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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Capital Letter Sorting Cards EYFS KS1

Capital Letter Sorting Cards EYFS KS1

3 sets of sorting cards for children to make into sets. Children can sort the letters into vowels and consonants and put them into alphabetical order. They could sort all the letters of the same colour, same sound or same texture, all the shiny letters, coloured letters or wooden letters. Duplicate and laminate for matching games that you can use over again.
Handwriting Pack  A to Z  EYFS and KS1

Handwriting Pack A to Z EYFS and KS1

A bumper pack of worksheets for children to support their phonics work and letter formation as well as helping to improve their fine motor control and hand writing. Each page has the the same format with: Upper and lower case letters to trace Letters to overwrite Pictures to colour in Short sentences to read and write Use as worksheets when you are introducing or consolidating a sound or letter. Laminate and add to your writing table or area with dry wipe markers.
What Can You Do? 20 Talking Cards EYFS

What Can You Do? 20 Talking Cards EYFS

A set of visual aids for your EYFS classroom. 20 bright and colourful cards to share with young children generating discussion. Links well to Ourselves, Me and Speaking and Listening. There are 2 cards on each page. Cut and laminate and the cards can be used over and again.
6 Phonics  Assessment Cards EYFS and KS1

6 Phonics Assessment Cards EYFS and KS1

These colour cards are a useful assessment tool for your phonics work. Can children name the pictures and find the matching initial sounds? There are 2 colour cards to cut out on each of the 3 pages. Laminate so that you can reuse the resource. Add to your reading / writing corner or your phonics displays.
12 Quiz Sheets for Young Children

12 Quiz Sheets for Young Children

12 easy quiz sheets for your class. Great as a back to school resource! Each quiz invites children to read, discuss and write. Each quiz has 4 questions and a corresponding picture for the answers. Children can answer in different ways - writing the letter of the picture, naming the picture or writing a phrase or short sentence. Play the quiz in pairs, groups or as a whole class. Alternatively use as worksheets to compliment your topic work. You could also laminate the sheets and add to the writing corner for early finishers or use as homework. There are a range of themes: Christmas, Halloween, On the Farm, Space, Flying things, Plants, Winter Clothing, Tigers, Baby Animals, Weather, Animals and Transport.
Circle the Odd one Out Picture Symbols

Circle the Odd one Out Picture Symbols

4 colour worksheets and 4 in black and white. The aim of the exercise is to closely look at each line of objects and decide which one is different or does not fit the group. Children circle the odd one out in each row. A good activity to develop speaking and listening skills, observation skills and understanding of simple classification or sets. Useful for all young children, SEND and English Language Learners. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols
My Camping Holiday with Symbols

My Camping Holiday with Symbols

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A set of activities linked to camping holidays, explorers and adventures. The resource uses symbols. Suitable for EYFS, KS1 and SEND children. Page 1 is a set of 12 camping flashcards in colour and page 2 is the same set of 12 flashcards in black and white. Children can cut these out and match / paste them onto the words on page 3. Page 4 is an outline template for children to write about a camping holiday. The flashcards can be used to promote speaking and listening and added to wall displays.
My Countryside Holiday with Symbols

My Countryside Holiday with Symbols

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A set of activities linked to the countryside and holidays as well as literacy. The resource uses symbols. Suitable for EYFS, KS1 and SEND children. Page 1 is a set of 12 countryside flashcards in colour and page 2 is the same set of 12 flashcards in black and white. Children can cut these out and match / paste them onto the words on page 3. Page 4 is an outline template for children to write about a countryside holiday. The flashcards can be used to promote speaking and listening and added to wall displays.
Spot the Odd one Out with Symbols

Spot the Odd one Out with Symbols

Share these 4 colour symbol boards with your class and encourage them to look carefully at each row and find the odd one out. Can they tell you why they have chosen that symbol? This activity encourages close observation, speaking and listening and thinking skills. There are 5 rows on each of the symbol boards. Extend by giving children a copy of the board/s and ask them to cut them out and sort into sets. Links to sorting and making sets. Boardmaker Licenced
20 'T' things to find+ name at Christmas

20 'T' things to find+ name at Christmas

Children enjoy this task where they closely observe the picture which shows 20 things beginning with a T at Christmas time. Children can work in pairs or groups or as a whole class. There is a word grid where they can tick off the pictures they find. They could also match the colour pictures to the main one. These can be cut into cards or left as a board. The next sheet shows the 20 pictures with words underneath. The final sheet is for children to write the words underneath the pictures. Cut out and laminate the picture and word cards for matching games.
20 'S' things to find+ match at Christmas

20 'S' things to find+ match at Christmas

Children enjoy this task where they closely observe the picture which shows 20 things beginning with a ‘S’ at Christmas time. Children can work in pairs or groups or as a whole class. There is a word grid where they can tick off the pictures they find. They could also match the colour pictures to the main one. These can be cut into cards or left as a board. The next sheet shows the 20 pictures with words underneath. The final sheet is for children to write the words underneath the pictures. Cut out and laminate the picture and word cards for matching games.
10 Christmas Plasticine Mats

10 Christmas Plasticine Mats

10 plasticine mats for you to print, laminate and add to your writing table or corner. Each mat shows 4 words which children can match to the pictures and then make a plasticine line or use a dry marker. Useful for reading and fine motor control exercises.
My Christmas Family Topic  Work

My Christmas Family Topic Work

A complete set of characters for this Christmas family starting with the grandparents, parents, children and pet. The flashcards can be duplicated, cut out and laminated, added to lollipop sticks to make puppets. There are 2 activity sheets included where children can write the names of the characters and draw or paste the family members to match the words. Page 4 is a sheet with 12 cross - curricular activity ideas for you to use along side the characters.
Christmas SEN Writing Corner Aids

Christmas SEN Writing Corner Aids

20 sheets that can be laminated and added to your writing corner each with a Christmas theme. Children can use dry markers to trace over the Christmas words. Alternatively, use as the basis for children to make their own posters or Christmas cards. Supports handwriting and fine motor control.
Christmas Printable Gift Tags

Christmas Printable Gift Tags

30 colour gift tag outlines for children to cut out and make into Christmas gift tags. There are 5 pages with 6 different tags on each page. There is a blank template for children to design their own tags. The final page shows the tags with written greetings on. Cut out the greetings and these can be used on the back of the colour tags. Print or glue onto thin card for best results. Punch out the holes with a hole punch or sharp pencil. Thread with ribbon or string.
Trace Numbers to 20 + Match to Number Cards

Trace Numbers to 20 + Match to Number Cards

A cross curricular activity to improve handwriting skills and counting for EYFS and KS1. Numbers from 0 to 20 to trace and colour in are on cards to cut out. There are 4 cards to a page. Children can cut and match the number cards to the counting cards which show black and white objects from 0 to 20.
Animals in Picture Frames PPT EYFS KS1

Animals in Picture Frames PPT EYFS KS1

A lovely power point where on the click of the switch / key, a picture of an animal appears for each letter of the alphabet from a to z. Children enjoy making a prediction of what animal will be next. Have the alphabet in order, available for them to check what letter comes next. Links to the Alphabet, Phonics, Animals and Pets.
8 Animals to Learn About EYFS and KS1

8 Animals to Learn About EYFS and KS1

A pack of resources for young children with a range of activities based around 8 animals: Panda, cat, bear, rabbit, penguin, hippo, dog and monkey. Activities: Cut and match the colour cards / black and white animal cards Colour in the animal cards to make them the same as the colour version Colour in the animals and trace the words / names Match the words to the animal pictures worksheet Draw the animals under their names or paste a picture into the boxes For each animal, complete the worksheets tracing the initial sounds and writing the sentences as well as colouring the pictures. Links to reading, writing and phonics.
Animals Colouring Book from A to Z

Animals Colouring Book from A to Z

A colouring book for EYFS or KS1. Each letter of the alphabet has a colour picture and animals to colour in. There is a colour poster for every 4 letters and the final 2 - Y and Z. Links with Phonics, the Alphabet and any Animal topic.